4.3 Temperature. The unterminated cord shall be placed within a test chamber wherein a
temperature of 85° C (185°F) is maintained for a period of four hours. The cord shall be wrapped
about a mandrel while at this temperature without damage to the cord jacket or conductor
insulation. The diameter of the mandrel shall be the same as the nominal cord diameter. The
cord shall be attached to the mandrel and suspended vertically with the lower end weighted
sufficiently to keep the specimen taut and to permit wrapping without handling. The cord shall be
inspected for damage or deformation and then subjected to the test chamber wherein a
temperature of -55° C is maintained. After 20 hours of storage at -55° C, the cord shall be
wrapped about the mandrel while at this temperature, in the same manner as it was at +85° C. The
cord shall be examined for cracks and any other damage to the jacket or conductor insulation. The
cord shall meet the requirements of 3.3.1.
4.4 Flex life. Five samples of the unterminated cord shall be clamped and suspended through
holes in a metal bar having a rectangular cross section of .50 inch by .625 inch as described
a. The clamping point shall be immediately above the metal bar; the cord clamp shall rest
on top of the metal bar.
b. The cord shall be clamped in such a manner that it will not turn in the hole during the
flexing test.
c. The length of the through holes in the metal bar shall be .625 inch. The diameters of
the through holes shall be 0.005 to 0.010 inch greater than the diameter of the cord
d. The through holes in the metal bar shall incorporate a .125 inch radius at the end from
which the cord emerges (bending point).
e. A three-pound weight shall be hung from the cord at a point 8 to 12 inches below the
bar to assure that the cord is held in a vertical position.
f. A small low-current drain, a 6-volt lamp, and a suitable power source shall be
connected in series to each connected in series to each conductor to indicate electrical
continuity (see Figure 3). The metal bar, supported horizontally, shall then be rotated
about its longitudinal axis back and forth through an angle of 120 degrees (60 degrees
each side of vertical) at a rate of approximately 85 cycles per minute. The arithmetical
mean of the flexing cycles of the five samples of the cord before electrical discontinuity
occurs shall be taken as the flexing life of the cord (see 3.4.4).
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