4.4 Conformance inspection. Conformance inspection shall consist of the tests of Group II
and Group III of the specification sheet unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase
order. Group II conformance tests shall be performed on each individual unit prior to
acceptance. Units failing the conformance test may be discarded or reworked to correct defects
and resubmitted for acceptance. The contractor is responsible for the performance of all
inspection requirements as specified in the contract and this specification.
4.4.1 Production lot sampling. All cable assemblies submitted for inspection as a
production lot shall be manufactured using identical components, raw materials and processes.
All cordage and molding material shall be from the same incoming lots. All other components
of identical type designation shall be procured from the same manufacturer for all cable
assemblies in the production lot (the manufacturer shall not change cordage manufacturers, or
connector manufacturers, etc., during a production lot). All Group III tests specified in table I of
the specification sheet shall be performed on sample units pulled from the production lot which
has already passed the Group II inspection. The sample units shall be chosen at random under
the supervision of the cognizant government inspector. Sample sizes for Group III sample
testing as specified in table I of the specification sheet shall be in accordance with table I of the
general specification. Contracts for less than 10 cables shall be subjected to 100 percent
inspection of Group A tests. Distribution of test samples between Groups B and C shall be in
accordance with the test plan prepared by the contractor and approved by the cognizant
government inspector. All components submitted by a manufacturer as a single production lot
using identical components as noted above shall be tested as a single production lot regardless of
how many shipment lots the production lot is divided into.
TABLE I. Sample plan for Group III sample testing.
Number of Cable Assemblies in Contract
Total Number of Cable Assemblies to be Tested
10 through 280
281 through 500
501 through 1000
1001 through 2000
2001 through 5000
5001 or more
18 Disposition of samples. Samples subjected to Group B tests may be shipped under
the contract. Samples subjected to Group C tests shall not be shipped under the contract. Noncompliance. No failures shall be allowed in Group III inspection. If a sample
unit fails to pass Group III inspection, the supplier shall take corrective action on the material or
process or both, as warranted, and on all units of production that can be corrected and which
were manufactured under essentially the same conditions, with essentially the same materials,
processes, and which are considered subject to the same failure. Acceptance of the product shall
be discontinued until corrective action has been taken. Group III inspection shall be repeated on
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